Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Evidence Based Medicene to molecular biology

In the September edition of a medical magazine I read an article on EBM and wrote a comment letter to the editor.Here it is.
"Now in this era of bemuse we probably do not know what we are running after, whether be it in the sphere of science or any other issue.Over the ages medicine has got a different mould which is different in many aspects from our age old vedic procedures.
We look at physics and chemistry as hard science because of their general fixed dimensional methodologies.This is the place where medical science makes a difference from others. Medicine is not a hard science because of the presence of the living factor. Every human has his own unique style of thinking and each has a different outlook.This is the main hurdle. Till date most of the medicines are based upon E.B.M(evidence based medicine) and they are widely accepted in spite of their ills because of their singular existence..E.B.M is sometimes used as a veil to hide the wrong deeds of many pharmaceutical companies.Many ‘guinea Humans’ fall prey to them.In this way E.B.M brings into the human factor, not only that, it also brings into use the emotions of the whole society. We all act as human puppets and are played by these vile men.If we go beyond the self regulated scientific facets of EBM some extra factors like socio-economic automatically get intermingled .So its difficult to have an absolute one dimensional format. This human factor can be ebbed away with, only with the help of some substitutes like molecular biology.Further improvements may help us to observe the patient on molecular level where molecules and doctors will work hand in hand. Here we can also find similarity with Tailor medicine where each one will have the perfect sole path cure.
Recent molecular developments range from discovery of chaperones, heat shock proteins.Transciptonomics is also a new filed under molecular biology. The scientific dogma also has changed substantially.In pre-bioinformatics era genome was called dna,transcriptome was called mRna, and proteome as protein.The path traversed by us is a long one which if compared with the future path is infinitesimally small.
This is my overall comment that I would like further writing on EBM and different related spheres of medicine "


For the past few years since the start of the modern computer era the importance of books is being questioned and now it has turned into a hot gossip whether books should be used or should we shift to electronic media.All these gossips did not affect me much but recently when I had gone to Salt Lake City Centre my viewpoints got shattered.A huge area containing outlets of different brands like "KFC","Shoppers stop","Wills Lifestyle" having a variety of commodities within hands reach but when it came to books the place was a small corner under the escalator !! The name of the shop is a dilemma itself - "Corner Bookstore".As if the store itself is expressing that Book is now cornered.It is for all of us to think whether we should let books get Cornered !!