Sunday, March 22, 2009

against poverty

its never too late to do something and doing something for the whole world especially against poverty is just too great.So I have posted this badge so that I at least get the feeling that I have joined the movement.For now its all with more poverty related issues to come up.......

Thursday, January 22, 2009

love making 1

Love making

This term often faces the red eye when by students and even adults consider this word a forlorn and vile one. The mentality barrier between a child and an adult comes into play when this factor comes into topic. This word is most probably the most hushed up word to the open .
We instead should thank the nature for devising such an instrument because in this “busy” world when every one at least wants to show that he is running might have forgotten to pave the way towards the new generation , towards the new path and transfer of genetic material. Thus making love has strung all emotions one by forming as a link for humanity. This is the sole measure via which one can have the feeling of being united, of feeling the serenity of another and it is often said that this acts as the means of having the feeling of the emotions, joys of another person. You can feel of being as a double emoted being. Most of the teenagers would just shirk at this kind of writing and would just end up with a teasing comment but this is the real psyche behind the whole matter.
Every good thing has its bad consequences also but that doesn’t stop the act of praising it. S-X is also the same. In the name of this often many misuse is made. Nowadays the most hindered act is that in the name of S-X toys the laws of nature are often played with and human beings have even replaced machines!!!
The idea and want to watch porn is just a figment of human physiology and I am not telling that this is very bad and do not watch it…… . What I would like to say is in this long life time of ours we should be mature enough to judge between the right and the wrong and it only comes from the act of knowing what is wrong. The fact of right and wrong is completely relative. Lures come in our way but to know what is the lure is the meaning of shaping up as a human being.
This writing is nothing but the replica of the emotions of my mind in English representation. When most of my friends are busy watching porn it is not that I am bonded by conscience and that I am trying to justify this act. I am just completely against porn but not against making love. Most of us associate these words as the same. For now bye…………. To be contd…